Use of Force Policies for Public Review and Comment
The Chicago Police Department’s Use of Force policies have been revised to more clearly reflect our longstanding commitment to, at all times, act in a manner consistent with the sanctity of human life. Collectively, these policies outline the Department’s use of force and response to incidents involving force. As part of our ongoing mission to grow trust within the communities we serve, we have posted these policies for public review and comment.
Please note, these policies will be issued and go into full effect during this public comment period. We understand that these directives, when published, will require future revisions. We are currently working collaboratively with the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), the Independent Monitoring Team (IMT), and the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to review the procedures and responsibilities established by this directive. We will also take into consideration your comments and suggestions while we work toward a more comprehensive revision of these policies. While this review process continues to identify future revisions, the actions of CPD members will be guided by the procedures set by these directives. We invite you to share your opinions and ideas and look forward to your feedback. Thank you again for your continued partnership in building a safer Chicago.