The Community Policing Advisory Panel (the Panel or CPAP) was commissioned by Chicago Police Department (the Department or CPD) Superintendent Eddie T. Johnson in October 2016. The Panel’s primary task was to develop recommendations “for the Department’s renewed community engagement and collaboration efforts, in order to enhance public safety and restore trust.”
In October 2017, the Panel published its proposed recommendations to improve the Department’s community engagement efforts. The recommendations were organized across seven pillars of community policing:
- Sustainable relationships of trust between police and community.
- A strong focus on engagement with the City’s youth.
- Standards for community policing initiatives so that these initiatives have clearly-defined objectives and contribute to the overall community policing effort.
- A structure that reinforces community policing in every aspect of policing.
- Robust community-oriented training for all members of the Department.
- Effective problem-solving exercised jointly with the community and other city agencies.
- Regular evaluation of the quality of community policing throughout the Department.
The Superintendent accepted all of the Panel’s recommendations, and the implementation of all recommendations was incorporated into the consent decree negotiated between the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago. The consent decree took effect March 1, 2019.
In its report, the Panel tasked the Office of Community Policing (OCP) with “[monitoring] progress toward implementation and issuing quarterly reports”. This Quarterly Report for the Community Policing Advisory Panel is intended to provide Panel members with a snapshot of progress made on the implementation of its proposals. OCP intends to publish the Quarterly Report every quarter moving forward.