Peer Support

Sometimes Even We Need Someone To Talk To – Cops Helping Cops

The Chicago Police Department Peer Support Program was created in April of 2000. This program is a part of the Professional Counseling Division/EAP. It is modeled after the one instituted at The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, who also provided the initial training. All Peer Support team members work on a strictly voluntary basis as a way of giving back to the Chicago Police Department family. Peer Support members come from extremely varied backgrounds. This helps to ensure that when a police officer or family member is in need of assistance, there is someone available with the right expertise, qualifications, knowledge, and awareness of resources.

The primary objective of the Peer Support Program is stress reduction for our members in the form of immediate emotional first aid and support. The Peer Support team assist members as they work through the impact of critical incidents by supporting, actively listening, and providing resources. Peer Support members help their fellow officers who are involved in critical incidents, to understand the range of normal reactions to abnormal situations.

Peer Support members offer immediate on scene intervention to fellow officers and their families during and after traumatic incidents. Support is not limited to traumatic events. Peer Support is available to all police officers and their families whenever needed. This can include, but is not limited to, the death of a family member, friend, or peer, as well as marital, child, or job related difficulties. Those seeking support have the right to reach out in a safe and private manner. This is why all communications between Department members, their families, and the Peer Support representatives are kept in the strictest confidence.

For Peer Support Help

The Peer Support Program is available 24 hours a day. To contact Peer Support call: (312) 672-9973. Posters are also located in each district/unit identifying Peer Support members.

Apply to be a Peer Support Member

If you are interested in becoming a Peer Support member, please contact the the Program Manager at (312) 672-9973.