Education and Training Division (ETD)

Mission Statement

In support of the overall mission of the Chicago Police Department, the Education & Training Division will provide progressive and comprehensive training to develop policing skills, enhance leadership abilities, and promote a solid ethical foundation to all department members.

CPD Training Synopsis

The Chicago Police Department’s (CPD) Education and Training Division provides basic peace officer’s training for its CPD recruits. This program provides over 900 hours of basic recruit training to all CPD recruits and prepares each CPD recruit to pass the Illinois State Peace Officer’s Certification Exam. Some examples of the training provided are firearms, control tactics, physical training, classroom training, and scenario-based training.

The Education and Training Division provides progressive and comprehensive training to develop policing skills, enhance leadership abilities, and promote a solid ethical foundation to all CPD recruits so that the CPD remains among the nation’s premier law enforcement organizations. Also, throughout the entire Basic CPD Recruit Program, the CPD core values of Professionalism, Integrity, Courage, Dedication, and Respect are stressed and reinforced.

CPD recruits receive over 900 hours of basic recruit training, which exceeds the Illinois State mandate by over hundreds of hours of training. Of the Illinois State mandated material, CPD recruits receive extra training in gangs, drugs, law, ethics, report writing, vehicle stops, control tactics, firearms, physical fitness, and law enforcement driving.

Also, CPD recruits receive extra training that is not required by the State of Illinois with classes such as terrorism awareness, diversity, technology awareness, and building entry tactics.

When CPD recruits graduate from the CPD Recruit Academy, they enter the world of policing with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively perform their duties as police officers. CPD recruits are some of the most highly trained police recruits in the nation and earn the stars that they wear upon their chest proudly.

Metro Training Synopsis

The Chicago Police Department’s (CPD) Education and Training Division provides basic peace officer’s training for all law enforcement agencies in Illinois. The program that provides the basic peace officer’s training is called the Basic Metropolitan Recruit Program.

This program provides over 600 hours of basic recruit training to all Metropolitan recruits and prepares each Metropolitan recruit to pass the Illinois State Peace Officer’s Certification Exam. Some exa mples of the training provided are firearms, control tactics, physical training, classroom training, and scenario-based training.

The Education and Training Division provides progressive and comprehensive training to develop policing skills, enhance leadership abilities, and promote a solid ethical foundation to all Metropolitan recruits so that the surrounding Metropolitan Areas remain among the nation’s premier law enforcement organizations. Also, throughout the entire Basic Metropolitan Recruit Program, the CPD core values of professionalism, obligation, leadership, integrity, courage, and excellence are stressed and reinforced.