Information Regarding the Return of Properties Inventoried by CPD

Information Regarding the Return of Properties Inventoried by CPD

Information Regarding Personal Property Seized By CPD

You were given a property inventory form when your personal property was taken from you by the Chicago Police Department (“CPD”). This document is your receipt for the personal property inventoried. You will need this document. Keep it in a safe place and have it available when contacting CPD personnel about your personal property.

  • English – Information Regarding Personal Property Seized By CPD
  • Polish – Informacje dotyczace mienia osobistego zatrzymanego przez CPD
  • Spanish– Información relacionada con los bienes personales incautados por el CPD

Information Regarding Vehicles Seized or Impounded By CPD

If your vehicle has been impounded pursuant to municipal ordinance of the City of Chicago, you may secure the release of your impounded vehicle by appearing in person or through a designated representative at 400 West Superior, Department of Finance, Revenue Payment Center.

  • English – Information Regarding Vehicles Seized or Impounded By CPD
  • Polish – informacje dotyczace pojazdów zatrzymanych lub odholowanych na parking depozytowy CPD
  • Spanish– Información relacionada con vehículos incautados o decomisados CPD

Information Regarding Money Seized By CPD

You were given a property inventory form when your money was taken from you by the Chicago Police Department (“CPD”). This document is your receipt for the inventoried money. You will need this document. Keep it in a safe place and have it available when contacting CPD personnel about your property.

  • English– Information Regarding Money Seized By CPD
  • Polish– informacje dotyczace srodków pienieznych zabezpieczonych przez CPD
  • Spanish – Información acerca del dinero incautado por el CPD

Notice of Forfeiture Preliminary Review Hearing

If property was seized from you by a law enforcement agency for forfeiture, a Preliminary Review Hearing will be conducted by a Judge at 1:30 p.m. at the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington, Room 1707, Chicago, Illinois, 60602, to determine whether there is probable cause that the property may be subject to forfeiture.

  • English – Notice of Forfeiture Preliminary Review Hearing
  • Polish – Zawiadomienie o wstepnym przesluchaniu w sprawie przepadku
  • Spanish – Notificación de audiencia de revisión preliminar de confiscación