Basic Instructions for Application
The instructions below are designed to inform applicants of the process and requirements for Chicago Police News Media Credentialing. The instructions below are intended to be a general guideline and should not be taken as a set of absolute rules. Each application is individually reviewed for content and compliance to current standards.
- Read the City of Chicago Municipal Code for News Media Credentials thoroughly.
- Complete ALL FIELDS in the News Media Credentials Application.
- NOTE: Applications shall be made by the employer on behalf of the employee qualified to hold news media credentials. The employer shall represent that the employee on whose behalf an application for a news media credential is made is a reporter, editor, writer, photographer, producer or broadcaster of spot news. MCC4-328-030
- Applicants must possess a valid Illinois driver’s license or Illinois State ID in order to apply for and receive a Chicago Police News Media Credential.
- Applicants must be full-time employees of a valid Chicago news major media outlet working as a Reporter, Producer, Camera operator, Photographer or Engineer.
- All applications will be submitted by a major media outlet Editor, Bureau Chief, News Director or Station Manager on behalf of the applicant and include a signed letter, on company letterhead, explaining the role and contributions of the applicant to that outlet.
- Credential appointments are scheduled in 30 minute increments on Wednesdays between 9:00am – 12:00 noon at CPD Headquarters.
- Appointments will be automatically cancelled if the applicant fails to appear within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time.
- Walk-in appointments are not available.
- Please direct any questions to:
Chicago Police Department
Communications & News Affairs
Attn: Media Credentials
(312) 745-6110