Thank you for visiting the Chicago Police Department’s public comment forum for the Response to Crowds and Coordinated Multiple Arrest suite of directives.  Following the public engagement period that was held from February 8, 2024 to March 13, 2024, CPD reviewed the feedback to inform potential revisions to these draft directives. In response to the comments, concerns, suggestions, and lived experiences of community members, CPD has developed revised drafts of the Response to Crowds and Coordinated Multiple Arrest suite of directives.

As part of our ongoing mission to grow trust within the communities we serve, CPD again invites the community to review and provide feedback on the revised Response to Crowds and Coordinated Multiple Arrest suite of directives beginning June 10, 2024, through June 30, 2024. After the comment period concludes, CPD will review the additional feedback received to guide future revisions to the drafts. CPD will consider your comments before finalizing the directives.

Below you will find a “CPD Response to Crowds” informational bulletin, that includes a summary of revisions responsive to the feedback received during the previous engagement, and revised drafts of the following directives:

  • Response to Crowds, First Amendment Assemblies, and Civil Disturbances
  • Declaration of a Coordinated Multiple Arrest Incident
  • Alternate Arrest Procedures During Coordinated Multiple Arrest Incident
  • Alternate Tactical Response Reporting During Coordinated Multiple Arrest Incidents

Please review these materials and provide your feedback in the Comment Box located below the documents. Thank you again for your continued partnership in building a safer Chicago.

*** See below for the CPD Response to Crowds Informational Bulletin. (Click on the document for view/download options)


*** See below for the revised Response to Crowds and Coordinated Multiple Arrest draft directives. (Click on the document for view/download options)
