Offender Charged with Multiple Felonies, Including Attempted Murder of a Chicago Police Officer
Offender: Kayin Wise, 18
4900 Block of West Concord Place
Chicago, IL
Charges: One Felony Count of Receive or Possession of a stolen vehicle
One Felony Count of Aggravated Battery to a Peace Officer
One Felony Count of Aggravated Fleeing from the police/21 MPH
One Felony Count of Aggravated UUW/ Loaded no FOID CARD
One count of Attempt Murder
Court: Case will be presented in Central Bond Court at 26th & California
May 26, 2017
Narrative: The offender was charged with multiple felonies, including attempted murder of a Chicago Police Officer, after the offender crashed his vehicle into a Chicago Police Officer on the 1600 block of North LeClaire. The offender pinned the Police Officer between two vehicles, causing serious injuries to the Officer. The case against this offender will be presented in Central Bond Court today. No further information is available at this time.
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